Rates In The Elderly With Diabetes Rise

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Rates In The Elderly With Diabetes Rise: It’s no secret that many people world-wide are learning more and more information about the 6th most popular reason people are dying world-wide yearly. It is hard for people as they get older and it doesn’t help that diabetes seems to be sitting there waiting in our very bodies until we catch up to it. Diabetes is a huge threat to our families, our loved ones and our environment. It has developed into one of the common most known illnesses out there.

Those who have diabetes know exactly what it is like to be forced with the thoughts of not only a different lifestyle but sometimes a more depressing lifestyle. Diabetes is known to be associated with all kinds of symptoms but those living with diabetes are most affected by the depression that diabetes brings to their lives. Elderly people have produced a huge amount of diabetes patients in the last few years, more then any other age group. Because of this, more and more elderly men and women are deciding early on to get checked for diabetes. That way they will know before hand, even if they are in the stages of having pre-diabetes, they can still do something about it.

According to WebMD, a plunge of more then twenty-three percent of elderly patients have been diagnosed with Diabetes recently. This also means that medical costs have also plunged due to the medical treatment needed to help these new found diabetic patients. This itself has put a huge strain on the health care system. Just between 1994 and 2004 a plunge of over 23% was inhabited which proved that the healthcare system is an even furthering demand to overcome it.

If this continues there may be no way for the healthcare system to help itself and may fall under the high demand of such a tall order to fill. Scary thought as it is something has to be done about this ever –growing problem but what? Sure, more people could donate to the cause of diabetics but a lot of people do not realize diabetes as such a serious problem. They see Aids, Cancer and such things as more of an importance and most definitely those are some very important causes to donate to also but diabetes must not be forgotten as a huge problem that needs to be helped.

We can do this by developing articles and websites that show how important diabetes is and exactly what happens to people and why they need medical attention and deserve it. Those who have taken on the elderly age of 65 and older seem to have many health concerns and diabetes just adds to list. Therefore, them getting medical treatment is necessary and must be a top priority.

Many elderly people develop Type 1 diabetes over Type 2, however there are those who are trying to surpass both Type 1 and Type 2 who are in need of medical comfort and either can not afford or have been turned down. It’s an unnatural way to live when you don’t have a medication for Type 1 diabetes and most people who are 65 and older find themselves unable to physically exercise to allow comfort from Type 2 diabetes. In this situation with under developed medical assistance, how are these people supposed to find comfort in their lives and in their health’s.

The sad truth is, is that most of those people don’t and that’s why many amputations have been done in the last few years on elderly people. The answer, support those who are diabetic in helping to find someway to cut medical costs and supply out elderly folks some form of comfort.

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