Controlling Diabetes the Yoga Way

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Controlling Diabetes the Yoga Way: The ancient practice of yoga is now being used to combat the complications of diabetes. Suited for both types of the disease, a high energy yoga workout has been proven to normalize blood sugar levels. Regular practice of this age- old activity can also stimulate the pancreas, and reduce both blood pressure and weight, as well as, alleviate physical complications and emotional stress often associated with chronic illness.

Simple Yoga Poses to Combat Diabetes
Before beginning a yoga workout, you must take a few crucial points into consideration. Each and every yoga pose is essentially composed of three phases: coming into the pose, holding the pose, and finally releasing the pose. Proper posture and breathing technique is critical, and it is very important to inhale and exhale with the flow of the yoga movement until the last stage of the exercise is completed.

There are a few easy yoga poses that can be performed to lessen the risks associated with diabetes, in addition to, alleviate stress. Consistent practice of these exercises is believed to improve both the physical and mental well-being of the diabetic patient.

Sun Salutation: An ideal exercise for diabetics, sun salutation is one to the core poses of the yoga philosophy. This pose can increase blood supply to the body, which in turn improves insulin administration. To begin this exercise, stand up straight, with your palms together in a prayer position. Slowly exhale. Raise your arms over your head, keeping your palms together. Slowly bend forward until your hands have reached your feet. While arching your back and lifting your chin, bring the right leg backwards. Next, bring the left leg back, keeping your spine in a straight line. Your weight should be supported by the hands and feet. Lower your body one section at a time. First the knees, then the chest, and finally the head.

Yoga Mudrasana, “The Symbol of Yoga”: This yoga posture is great for the nervous system, and prevention of various other diabetic complications. To start this pose, sit up with your back straight and your legs crossed. Clench your fists into a ball, and center them on each side of the stomach, directly below the naval. As you exhale, bend forward, forcing your fists against your stomach. For beginners, holding this pose for ten seconds is sufficient. As you become more advanced, this yoga posture can be held for up to three minutes.

Posterior Stretching Pose: This stretching exercise is believed to calm the brain and alleviate stress, as well as, improve digestion, reduce fatigue, and reduce obesity. To come into this pose, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Without bending your knees, lean forward from the waist and grasp your big toes. Keeping your legs straight, rest your forehead on your knees, holding the pose for five seconds. Release the posture by slowly returning to your original position.

Corpse Pose: If executed correctly, this yoga pose can stimulate circulation, improve concentration, improve fatigue, and help with digestion. This yoga exercise requires much concentration, and can be done in between each posture, and at the end of a yoga workout. To begin, move your legs inwards, and then outwards, gradually letting them fall to the sides. Your arms should be slightly apart from the body, palms up. To center and rotate your spine, move your head from side to side. In this portion of the pose, you should begin stretching your body out. Breathing deeply from your stomach, imagine as if someone is gently pulling you from head to toe. This yoga posture should be held for several minutes. To come out of the posture, slowly bend your knees. Propel yourself onto one side using your leg muscles. Finally, return to a sitting position.

Practice of these various yoga exercises, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can assist in controlling the physical and emotional stressors of diabetes. In time, these postures can not only strengthen your body, but your mind as well.

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