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The Tolinase medication can only be used in type 2 diabetics that are not insulin dependant. These pills are designed to stimulate the pancreas to increase the amount of natural insulin inside the body. This medication also helps to manage the method in which the insulin is used. An individual may be able to use these tablets with other diabetic medication. However, never take another medication without the approval of the doctor. The Tolinase tablets can only support the production of insulin. A diet and exercise program is a must for complete control of the diabetes. An individual can find assistance for the correct diet and exercise plan for their needs. The Tolinase pills are not insulin and should never be used to replace an insulin injection.

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The Tolinase medication can only be used in type 2 diabetics that are not insulin dependent. These pills are designed to stimulate the pancreas to increase the amount of natural insulin inside the body. This medication also helps to manage the method in which the insulin is used. An individual may be able to use these tablets with other diabetic medication. However, never take another medication without the approval of the doctor. The Tolinase tablets can only support the production of insulin. A diet and exercise program is a must for complete control of the diabetes. An individual can find assistance for the correct diet and exercise plan for their needs. The Tolinase pills are not insulin and should never be used to replace an insulin injection.

It is important to discuss several things with the doctor before beginning a new drug. A person must follow the guidelines to a tee to be successful in the treatment. The Tolinase tablets are prescribed by the doctor to manage and control diabetes. There is no set method and how many tablets need to be taken throughout the day. The physician will prescribe the amount suitable for the individual’s lifestyle and medical history. Typically, an individual will start out slow and work their way up. This is usually around 100mg to 200mg a day. These pills needed to be taken in the morning with the first meal of the day. It is important never to miss a dose if at all possible. If a person does forget their medication, take a pill immediately. As long as it is not close to their next tablet. Never, under any circumstances, take 2 pills at a time. The Tolinase tablets come in 100mg, 250mg and 500mg. A physician will prescribe the best choice for an individual’s needs.

Always stick to the prescribed dose. If a patient believes that their blood sugar levels are falling too quickly as well as often, talk with the doctor. They may suggest taking a lower dose. A medical care provider will discuss the necessary information that a person needs to know while on the Tolinase treatment. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the physician immediately.

  1. The Tolinase tablets may increase heart problems. Discuss the risks and benefits of the pill with the doctor. Another solution may be presented as an alternative treatment.
  2. Certain type of health problems can cause low blood sugar. A person needs to explain everything about their history to the medical care provider. The doctor will need a medical history report to make an accurate prescription. Higher doses or another treatment may be suitable.
  3. Test the blood sugar often each day. Inquire about warning signs of high or low glucose levels as well as what to do in case of an emergency.
  4. Other medication can cause adverse effects with the Tolinase tablets. It is important to explain to the physician all of the other types of drugs that are being consumed. Even over-the-counter medication, such as vitamins or herbal remedies, can be harmful to the body.
  5. The Tolinase tablets should not be used if an individual is pregnant of nursing their infant. The proper studies have not been preformed.

Side effects are mild with the Tolinase medication. Every individual is different, what may affect some may not affect others. It is important to make notes of mild problems and ask the physician at the next office visit. Any problems that may arise that seem largely abnormal; the patient should contact their physician right away. Most of these side effects should vanish within a week or so. If they do not or become worse, contact a health care provider immediately. The symptoms include but are not limited to mild heartburn, feeling ill, hives or a large rash.

Author: Staff Writers

Content published on Diabetic Live is produced by our staff writers and edited/published by Christopher Berry. Christopher is a type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed in 1977 at the age of 3.

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