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actrapidThe Actrapid insulin is a fast-acting solution. It is designed to work quickly, within 60 minutes after injection. This type of medication usually lasts up to 8 hours at a time. An individual will most likely inject this kind of insulin around 15 minutes before a meal. This method will allow the medication to begin working right away so the blood sugar levels of the meal will be controlled. The Actrapid insulin is a soluble solution. This means it is usually given with other forms of insulin that reacts longer for an individual’s active lifestyle. The Actrapid insulin can be obtained in vial, pen as well as cartridge forms. It is important to follow all direction when mixing insulin medication. A person’s doctor will discuss the procedure that needs to be monitored. If an individual has any questions or concerns they need to ask their physician right away.

The individual’s doctor prescribes the insulin according to their lifestyle. It is vital that a person stays on the correct medicine. Certain lifestyle matters influence the physician’s decision on which kind of medication they need to be taking. If a change in an individual’s diet or exercise regiment is disrupted for whatever reason, the dose may need to be higher or lower. Stress, aggravation, quitting smoking or pregnancy can all affect the prescribed insulin. If any lifestyle change is apparent, contact the medical care provider immediately. A person will need to check their blood sugar levels often as well to make sure they are in the correct range for their system. There are warning signs for high and low blood sugar issues. However, sometimes the signs may come too late.

Other medication is a factor as well. Even vitamins and over-the-counter minerals can disrupt the doses of insulin that are prescribed. Certain medication cannot be taken with the Actrapid insulin or any other as well. It is important to talk with a doctor and explain the kinds of pills that are being consumed. Dire consequences can happen to one’s body if the proper steps are not taken.

Pregnancy and nursing may be a factor in a person’s insulin dose. There are no known adverse effects on a mother-to-be taking insulin. The mother will need to keep their blood sugar level as stable as possible throughout the pregnancy. When nursing, the medication may collect in the breast milk. It is best to discuss this problem with an individual’s doctor on the best course of action.

Side effects are always a possibility. However, the most severe problems rarely occur. There are warning signs that an individual can observe if they are overly worried. Under a doctor’s care, a person’s medical history is present. Any mild allergic reactions to different types of insulin or other problems would be documented. An individual may not have experienced any side effects before this episode. The following are some signs to watch out for:

  1. Low blood sugar is a problem all diabetics face. The Actrapid insulin is designed to lower a person’s glucose levels. Problems can arise if an individual injects themselves with insulin at low blood sugar levels. Check blood sugar often, if it is fairly low, eat a piece of hard candy and check again in 30 minutes. If it is still in an unhealthy range, contact a medical care provider immediately.
  2. Allergic reactions may happen at the injection site or a person’s system. Redness, swelling or dry skin at the injection location is not a cause for alarm. Simply change places, if it reoccurs ask the doctor about this problem. Be watchful of the redness moving around the area. When this happens, an infection may be developing. Contact a physician immediately. System reactions can be far more severe. If an individual is feeling faint, having a hard time breathing or a massive dizzy spell, obtain medical assistance.

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