Low Blood Sugar Can Causing Irregular Heart Rhythms

Low Blood Sugar Can Cause Irregular Heart Rhythms

New Research reveals that dangerously low blood sugar levels can cause prolonged periods of heart rhythm disturbances and other associated heart issues in older patients with Type 2 diabetes. Because of this finding, information can be detected that could provide a clue as to which low blood sugar levels contribute to life-threatening irregular heart rhythms.

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A New Makeover for Nutrition Labels

A New Makeover for Nutrition Labels?

Most people look at nutrition labels and become quite confused about what is actually in the foods they are buying. Due to a new makeover, confusing nutrition labels just might be a thing of the past.

The Food and Drug Administration announced on February 27th, 2014 that there is a proposed change to nutrition labels, which will be the very first overhaul in over 20 years. The new labels proposed will show more calories and added sugars. This will make calorie counting easier while helping to highlight those sneaky sugars that slide right past the radar. It will also change required serving sizes like soda.

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Moderate Exercise Decreases Risk of Stroke in Women

Moderate Exercise Decreases Risk of Stroke in Women

While many women find a need to exercise religiously, it may not be helping as much as they think. Researchers reveal that moderate exercise decreases risk of stroke in women. In fact, moderate exercise such as playing tennis or walking briskly can cut a woman’s stroke risk by 20 percent while also helping to offset the increased risk of a possible stroke caused by postmenopausal hormone therapy.

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