Animas 2020 Insulin Pump

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The Animas 2020 insulin pump allows a diabetic to take advantage of the latest technological innovations. At the same time, the backup for that pump guarantees delivery of traditional benefits, benefits that are of equal importance. A diabetes patient with an Animas 2020 insulin pump can obtain useful guidance and service.

A user of the Animas 2020 insulin pump can plan to contact Animas representatives at any time of the day. Animas’ literature promises the 24 hour availability of the company’s telephone guides. In addition, Animas makes a point of providing pump users with a multi-faceted type of support.

Animas 2020 owners can easily contact the company for help with the interpretation of data, which is displayed on the pump. The user of an Animas 2020 pump should have little trouble reading the displayed data. The pump has a flat panel with a high-contrast color screen. That screen, a screen that resembles the screen on a digital camera, is self-illuminating. It also has a wide angle view.

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Animas 2020 Insulin PumpThe Animas 2020 insulin pump allows a diabetic to take advantage of the latest technological innovations. At the same time, the backup for that pump guarantees delivery of traditional benefits, benefits that are of equal importance. A diabetes patient with an Animas 2020 insulin pump can obtain useful guidance and service.

A user of the Animas 2020 insulin pump can plan to contact Animas representatives at any time of the day. Animas’ literature promises the 24 hour availability of the company’s telephone guides. In addition, Animas makes a point of providing pump users with a multi-faceted type of support.

Animas 2020 owners can easily contact the company for help with the interpretation of data, which is displayed on the pump. The user of an Animas 2020 pump should have little trouble reading the displayed data. The pump has a flat panel with a high-contrast color screen. That screen, a screen that resembles the screen on a digital camera, is self-illuminating. It also has a wide angle view.

Software installed in the pump permits the calculation of certain quantities of insulin. Those quantities are then displayed on the pump’s screen. The pump can display the number of carbohydrates in hundreds of foods. The holder of an Animas 2020 insulin pump can thus consult the pump software to calculate the ideal portion size to use during any meal.

A diabetes patient with an insulin pump uses it to administer a bolus dose of insulin prior to eating. The amount of insulin in that dose should reflect the number of carbohydrates that the pump wearer plans to consume. Diabetics who are familiar with the function of the bolus dose should appreciate the “suspend feature” on the Animas 2020 insulin pump.

By using the suspend feature, a pump wearer can call for immediate changes in the scheduled bolus dose. That way, the pump wearer can feel free to make a sudden change in his or her selections from a menu. The pump can be programmed to handle whatever added carbohydrates might be ingested, as a result of the new menu selection.

The bolus dose of insulin supplements the basal dose. The Animas 2020 gives the pump wearer greater flexibility when programming the pump to deliver the appropriate level of basal insulin. The Animas 2020 has the lowest basal insulin rate available.

The Animas 2020 has a minimum basal insulin rate of 0.025 U per hour. That minimum rate is only one half of the minimum rate on most pumps (0.05 U per hour). The pump wearer thus finds it easier to program the pump to a basal rate, a rate that suits the needs of the diabetic who must rely on that insulin.

The Animas 2020 insulin pump has multiple, customizable basal programming. Therefore, the Animas pump can be set to deliver a basal dose that matches with the schedule or the activities of the pump wearer. When does one need to reprogram a pump? Suppose that a patient with diabetes works nights. That night-working diabetic needs to program his or her pump so that the basal dose changes in accordance with the unusual schedule of the diabetic. Suppose that a diabetic plans to participate in a marathon. On race day, he or she needs to adjust the basal rate on his or her insulin pump, so that the runner does not become deprived of glucose during the long race.

The Animas 2020 insulin pump facilitates the storage of vital information. The pump can store the last 500 blood glucose values, values recorded after the ingestion of a given number of carbohydrates. The pump can also store the last 500 bolus insulin doses. The pump wearer can retrieve that stored information and share it with a physician.

A diabetic with an older Animas pump does not have to envy the older of an Animas 2020 pump. An older Animas pump can be converted to a 2020 pump. The “ezAccess Program” allows that conversion to take place.

The Animas 2020 insulin pump is a waterproof device. The pump has been designed to withstand extremes in temperature. The casing on the pump allows the pump to function after it is subjected to the sort of forces that it might feel while the pump wearer engages in some form of exercise.

Still, the Animas 2020 insulin pump is not a flawless pump. Some diabetes patients have objected to the placement of certain items among the menu of features that are displayed on the pump’s screen. The “Suspend Feature” is rather high on that list. Some pump wearers have indicated that they would prefer a lower placement for that feature.

The Animas 2020 insulin pump does not have a continuous blood glucose monitor. Animas researchers do have such a monitor in development. They are working towards production of a pump with an implanted sensor. Such a sensor would pick-up infrared rays and would send the readings to a wristwatch.

At the present time, the Animas 2020 pump does not take direct input from a blood glucose meter. Yet designers of the Animas pump realize that modern technology permits the development of a device that would allow for such direct input. Engineers and researchers have such a device in the early stages of development.

While working on improvements to its pump, the company that makes the Animas 2020 pump also takes part in a joint activity with the Diabetes Trust Fund. Those activities concern the delivery of Animas 2020 pumps. The Fund and Animas deliver those pumps to low income families, families who have a child with diabetes.

Manufacturer Animas
Retail Price $8,843.00

Author: Staff Writers

Content published on Diabetic Live is produced by our staff writers and edited/published by Christopher Berry. Christopher is a type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed in 1977 at the age of 3.

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