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LisinoprilLisinopril is a prescription medication commonly used to treat high blood pressure and a variety of heart problems. As such, it should never be used except on the recommendation of your physician; and, if this medication is prescribed for you, it is essential for you to use it only as directed so that it will work most effectively and be less likely to result in side-effects or other complications.

Lisinopril is an ACE-inhibitor. The way in which this medication works is that it blocks the enzyme known as as angiotestin; in turn, this causes the blood vessels to dilate, resulting in the lowering of the blood pressure.

Although lisinopril is an excellent medication and can do wonders in treating these specific conditions which have the potential to be life-threatening, it is also a very powerful compound. If it is used strictly according to your physician’s recommendations there is a lesser chance of having problems associated with lisinopril, but it is still a good idea to be aware of exactly how serious this medication actually is.

First, there are a number of factors which would contraindicate the use of lisinopril. Your physician should have full information about your medical history, current status, and knowledge of any other medications you may be using, before he prescribes lisinopril. For example, lisinopril can cause serious damage and even be life-threatening, if it is used by someone who is pregnant. In addition, lisinopril may pose the danger of drug interactions if used with some other types of medications. This also includes some kinds of over-the-counter medications, so it is essential for your doctor to know if you are using anything.

While the side-effects of lisinopril are usually quite minor and not difficult for the average patient to deal with, there is still the possibility of more severe side-effects. It may lower the patient’s blood pressure; and it can decrease one’s blood cells. This is the reason why it is so important for your physician to keep your health consistently monitored if you are using lisinopril.

As with any type of drug, lisinopril also has the potential of causing allergic reactions in some patients. These, too, can range from very minor annoyances to serious problems which can require medical intervention.

Lisinopril is an excellent means of treating specific conditions; but as is the case with any prescription medication, using it correctly is essential for it to be both effective and safe. If your doctor has prescribed this medication for you, be sure to follow his instructions for its use, and alert him immediately if you begin to experience any uncomfortable physical symptoms upon its use. While a symptom may appear to be nothing more than mildly bothersome to you, informing your physician of it is the best way to ensure that it will not result in any serious complications; he will be able to adjust or stop your cycle of lisinopril however he deeems is in the best interest of your longterm health.

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