Diabetes And The Exercise Engine

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Diabetes And The Exercise Engine: Any exercise program that you may involve yourself in as a diabetic will need your doctor’s blessing. They can tell you if the exercise you are planning will work with your present physical health. They might even subject you to a stress test to find some reasonable limits in your exercise plan.

If you’ve visited with your doctor for any length of time he or she will have likely suggested an exercise program to help with blood glucose control as well as helping to achieve weight reduction goals. It can be easy to agree with the doctor in their office and forget all about it when you see your favorite chair with the remote waiting for you.

What exercise does for the diabetic…

  • Improves self-esteem
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Is an extremely good stress buster
  • Improves confidence in your ability to manage your diabetes.

The problem
In diabetics many of the body’s primary functions do not respond well to existing insulin. The way many diabetics work to improve the body’s ability to admit blood glucose into the muscles within the body is to inject more insulin.

Exercise – A natural aid
When you choose to engage in physical activity you not only burn calories, reduce cholesterol and lower your blood pressure, but you also kick your body into gear. In instances where exercise is common the body has a greatly improved chance to flush excess blood glucose from your system while improving the body’s ability to use blood glucose for the benefit of the entire body. Diabetics who engage in regular exercise generally require less medication and often feel much better than those who rely solely on pills and shots.

You need a plan
Not every exercise is a great alternative for every diabetic. If you suffer from conditions such as retinopathy or neuropathy you may find there are some activities that may actually be harmful to your condition. Your doctor may be able to help pinpoint activity that is not only beneficial, but also developed with all medical issues under advisement.

Do you need a heath club membership?
It’s not a bad idea, but the truthful answer is, “No.” You can achieve positive affects that accumulate throughout the day by simply choosing to be active. Walking more, working outside in the garden or taking the dog for a little sensory adventure may work together to bring exercise into your routine that can help in the management of your diabetes.

Know how to regulate
During exercise you need to understand how to raise your blood glucose if you see a sharp drop. This is generally managed through the use of carbs. While in most instances you don’t want too many carbs they may be essential during a workout. You will likely need to test before, during and after exercise to see how your body responds to the activity. This scenario may be more common in those with Type 1 diabetes.

Take it easy, but keep going
You want to be comfortable when you exercise. If you find it difficult to breathe or you have sharp pain you may need to either slow down or stop. No one benefits from over doing it. The result is often a quick abandonment of your objectives, because you remember how hard the exercise was on you. Don’t overdo it, but don’t quit either. Find a friend to work out with you and remember that every physical exertion can accumulate to help manage your diabetes more positively.

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