New Study Shows Meditation Beneficial To Diabetics

New Study Shows Meditation Beneficial To Diabetics

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Mindfulness; (definition based on study) “heightened sense of present centered self-awareness that fosters non-judgmental observations of emotions, bodily states, and other sensations in the attentional field, leading to mental well-being.”

A new study shows that meditation and mindfulness is very beneficial to patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. Many mindfulness-based interventions have the ability to target negative cognition’s like thought suppression However, its ability to improve long-term conditions has gone untested.

This study used consecutive mixed methods, which measured change in both thought suppression and worry while also exploring areas of feasibility, acceptability and user experience as well. A focus group and in-depth interviews were also used within the study to gain feedback.

According to Dr. Peter Coventry, mindfulness is more beneficial to patients suffering from long-term conditions. He states, “Mindfulness based interventions appear to be an acceptable and effective way for some people with long term conditions to regain a sense of balance and self-determination in their lives by allowing them to accept their limitations and focus on what is achievable in the present rather than worrying about the past or what they might not be able to do in the future. In this sense it is a means to help people self-manage their illness and it has the potential to offer people long term benefits if practiced regularly and built into their daily routines.”

Both mindfulness and meditation methods have improved sleep and led to a greater relaxation experience. More doctors are also starting to consider it when it comes to approaches to illness and illness experience. A six-week mediation course saw that thought suppression and worry was reduced, which both feelings can cause stress, which can lead to other illnesses.

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